
The Great Influenza

I always believe we can learn so much from history, and that’s one reason I enjoy reading about history so much, especially medical history. This is incredibly relevant now, as the pandemic dominates the news, and our lives.

A few years ago, I read a great book called “The Great Influenza,” by John M. Barry (Penguin Books, 2004). I decided to reread it, since so many people on social media are making comparisons to coronavirus and the Spanish influenza pandemic of 1918, particularly in how our government is handling it.

Tonight, I just want to set the stage for the pandemic. It’s incredible to see how far we have come medically since the early 1900s.

First, know that the Spanish flu to this day remains the worst disease in history. Nothing can compare, not HIV, not COVID-19. From just 1918 to 1920 from 21-50 million would die from it. It’s estimated that 8-10% of all young adults then living may have been killed by it.  

What I love about this book is that it’s also the story of science, and how our thinking changes in response to a medical crisis. We’re watching that in action even now, as politicians, physicians, the nightly news and even our own friends now social media battle it out for what are the right approaches to take.

First—and this is incredible–medicine was not held in high esteem in the US. Barry reports that as late as 1900 only 20% of medical schools required a high school diploma! Almost anyone could call themselves doctor. Most medical students attended lectures, took one test, and never even saw a patient until they started practicing.

Barry notes that when Union Surgeon William Hammond stopped the use of violent purgatives (to rid the patient of “bad humors” like bile), he was court martialed and condemned by American Medical Association! No institution supported any medical research, and at Harvard, one professor of surgery admitted most medical students could barely write! Harvard president Charles Eliot realized the entire medical system had to be updated and improved.

And so began a movement to improve the American medical system. To whom did we look? Europe. The best medical institutions in the world were in Germany and France.

And so on September 12.1876, Johns Hopkins University was founded to change the way medicine was researched, delivered, and taught in America. If you watch CNN, you’ll note in the right hand margin that its daily statistics on COVID-19, including number of cases and number of deaths, is from Johns Hopkins University.

Thomas Henry Huxley

During the opening celebration, keynote speaker and English scientist Thomas H. Huxley, said, “Sit down before a fact as a little child, be prepared to give up every preconceived notion. Follow humbly wherever and to whatever abysses nature leads, or you shall learn nothing.”

It’s unfortunately not what many people are doing these days: accusations of misleading the public for political gain are tossed around from the CDC to the White House to news outlets, leaving us confused and anxious. Huxley would rather we listen and learn with open minds. And we can learn from the Spanish flu pandemic. To be continued next Sunday…

The Lost Crown

Two months into the pandemic, and I have read 18 books so far this year. And… I’ve watched a ton of movies on iTunes! But I love reading. If you need to wean your teens away from the TV and video games, look into some interesting books for young readers. Here’s a historical novel, labeled juvenile fiction, about Alexis (also called Alexei, or Aleksei) the prince who had hemophilia.

The Russian Royal Family

The novel takes place in Russia, in the early 1900s. From August 1917 until the night of July 4, 1918, the four Grand Duchess daughters of Tsar Nicholas II and Empress Alexandra Feodorovna alternate documenting their lives at their castle called Tsarskoe Selo, in St. Petersburg, and then under house arrest at Tobolsk and Ekatininburg, in Siberia.

Each with a different perspective and their own distinct personality, Olga, Tatiana, Maria, and Anastasia relate daily occurrences in a diary format filled with much conversation, and some personal opinions. The four young women mention their younger brother, Tsarevich Aleksei Nikolaevich, who had hemophilia, on almost every page. They also comment frequently on their three dogs (Jemmy, Ortipo, and Joy), the staff and servants, and possible suitors. While maintaining a strong familial bond, the four Grand Duchesses, known as OTMA, also express their minor irritations of living in close proximity, and just being young adults. They were under constant watch by the guards, who were part of the Bolshevik revolution that eventually took over the largest country on earth. They thought they would eventually be released and allowed to leave Russia. But fate had another destiny for them.

Hemophilia is frequently mentioned, though not in great detail. Due to his hemophilia, Aleksei nearly died in Spala in 1912. Later in 1917, he had a swollen and knobby ankle. His illness is as “violent and temperamental as a volcano.” Aleksei had frequent pain and bruises. He moved about on his three-wheeled cycle and his wheelchair, or Nagorny, his sailor nanny, carried him. He had pain, cramps, and a hematoma on his hip in 1917. He can’t walk, so is carried or would sit in a wheelchair. In 1918 he bumped his knee, which became swollen. As Tatiana explained, “Hemophilia is not a disease that simply vanishes.” No indeed; thanks to the girls’ great-grandmother, Queen Victoria, hemophilia became known as “The Royal Disease.”

The book includes a two-page map, a four-page cast of characters, a two-page Russian Words & Phrases, one page for a note about dates, six pages of Romanov family photos, a four-page Author’s Note, and a bibliography. In the epilogue the author notes that DNA testing of Skeleton Number 6, one of a grand duchesses in the larger mass grave that was eventually found, was a carrier of type B hemophilia.

The Lost Crown was written in 2012 by the award-winning author of young adult fiction Sarah Miller, 2012. Get it for your young reader, and maybe even for yourself!

Thanks to our colleague and contributing writer Richard Atwood, from North Carolina.

Happy Hemophilia Mother’s Day!

When two mothers meet, whether they know one another or not, there is an instant bond and understanding. Thoughts, feelings and words flow easily, especially when it comes to the subject of children and childbirth, in other words, being a mother. For example, a man I worked with for two years never shared much personally. I happened to meet his girlfriend in passing; our eyes locked, we introduced one another and in 15 intense but pleasurable minutes covered children (we each have three), names, what their births were like in detail, school, how to juggle work and children, our divorces, how we handled dating… if we didn’t have appointments to get to, we would have chatted all night!

Add to motherhood hemophilia, and you have the ingredients for potent emotional bonding glue.

We all know hemophilia moms are pretty amazing. I’ve been meeting them for 30 years, all types: moms who are professionals, moms who are rich, moms who make minimum wages, single moms, moms of six children, moms of only children, moms who smoke, moms who are health fanatics, moms who are teens and moms in middle age. I’ve met them overseas: Africans, Asians, South Americans, both the rich and the deathly poor. When we meet, there is the bond of motherhood that instantly forms, but there is also the bond of motherhood of a child with hemophilia. We are not strangers to one another.

I thought back today to when I first became a mother: 1987, at the height of the public fear-frenzy and anger surrounding HIV. Our community was torn apart, and all eyes were on Washington DC and New York City, where the leaders were, deciding the fate of thousands. Thousands of mothers watched their sons died.

And other mothers like me were desperately fortunate not to have shared that fate. Yet we also took up roles in the aftermath. After all, a whole generation seemed gone; those young men who perished could have become hemophilia leaders in the community. Instead, it was the mothers who picked up the leadership mantle.

Think about it. About the roles of mothers then. There was a new generation of mothers who were called to serve the community, because so many young men with hemophilia could no longer do that. For the next fifteen years, I watched this new generation of mothers become leaders. You know their names: Michelle Rice and Dawn Rotellini of NHF; executive directors Debbi Adamkin, Michelle Kim, Heidi Forrester, Janet Brewer; and directors like Sonji Wilkes and Shari Luckey. Many others went to work for Pharma too.

The great thing about having mothers involved is that they can relate to the younger men as sons, and raise them up as leaders too. Some of their own sons have become leaders in the community. But someday, these mother-leaders will be retiring from the community, their mission completed, their children raised. The good news is that more and more, a new generation of patient leaders are coming of age and making their mark. That’s as it should be. From about 1987 to 2000 or so, we had no young men to learn leadership. The parents, mothers especially, had to step up. And now the boys and girls born during that era are here to learn…. And to lead.

Mother’s Day—not always happy, often bittersweet—is for the brave mothers who waged the war against HIV and whose sons were sacrificed, as well as for the mothers who became leaders to help steer the community into open waters of hope and a future where young men will be safe from harm. We thank you.

Climbing for Chris!

Chris Bombardier…. have you heard of him? He’s only the first person in history with hemophilia to have summited Mt. Everest (and the entire Seven Summits) and this is the third anniversary of his historic climb. Incredibly risky, incredibly rewarding. And he is now executive director of the nonprofit I founded, Save One Life.

Chris at the summit of Mt. Everest!

Chris has dedicated his life to helping those with bleeding disorders in developing countries. He even put his life on the line, to raise money and bring awareness of the plight of those with lack of access to factor.

Now all he is asking is for us to climb! Not Mt. Everest, but your stairs, in your home. Climb your stairs 29 times, to represent Everest (29,029 feet), donate $29 to Save One Life, and challenge 9 of your friends! So we are climbing for Chris (to honor his climb) but really climbing for the kids who suffer.

So today I did it! 38 steps, 29 times. After after I did that, I did it about two more times. And I’m going to keep doing it this whole month of May. How about you? Enjoy this 2-minute video to “Holiday” by Green Day, get motivated, and climb! I don’t know about you, but being in quarantine has not helped my waistline. I’m used to being super active. This will help! Learn more at www.saveonelife.net!

Have you heard? BleedingDisorders.com is all new

This is a paid public announcement from Takeda and does not constitute an endorsement of products or services. When you click on the links in this blog entry, you will be directed to a Takeda website. LA Kelley Communications always advises you to be a savvy consumer when contacting any company; do not reveal identifying information against your will.

As part of Takeda’s continuous efforts to support the bleeding disorders community, BleedingDisorders.com has been fully updated. It is now your go-to destination for information, tools, and support for living with a bleeding disorder. Whether you’re a patient or caregiver, the new and improved website provides valuable information for everyone.

New content with a fresh look
BleedingDisorders.com now lives and breathes Takeda’s mission—to put patients at the center of everything they do. Part of the purpose of this redesign was to bring together a wealth of bleeding disorders information while making it easy to find. You can now explore disease education, disease management, important life milestones, and information on physical and emotional wellness. The best part is that there are resources for people with hemophilia A, hemophilia B, hemophilia with inhibitors, von Willebrand disease (VWD), and other factor deficiencies.

Something you haven’t seen before
When you take a deeper dive, you’ll find the Living Well section has brand-new lifestyle information, ranging from diet, exercise, and travel tips to emotional health and pain management advice. These resources aim to help you live an active and healthy lifestyle while managing your bleeding disorder. Search a little further, and you will also discover new doctor discussion guides for talking with your healthcare provider about hemophilia, inhibitors, or VWD.

We’re in this together
With the relaunch of the website, Takeda wants to help you engage with other people living with a bleeding disorder. The Get Involved page has a community events calendar, links to connect on social media, and a place to sign up for updates directly from Takeda. Explore the Bleeding Disorders Community on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube to stay up-to-date on the latest news, communicate with others, and share your story. Whether you’re experiencing a new diagnosis, managing treatment for the first time, or advocating for accommodations in the workplace, your story can be insightful to someone else in the bleeding disorders community.

BleedingDisorders.com makes it easier than ever to stay informed and proactive in managing life with a bleeding disorder. Discover what the new website has to offer, and you’ll be one step closer to making today brilliant!


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