
Drugs Provide Cure for Hepatitis C

Even while we are basking in the hopeful glow of new long-lasting factor product approved a few weeks ago, there is even better news. A drug that can cure hepatitis C. You may know that roughly 90% of our hemophilia community was infected with hepatitis C during the 1980s, before the blood supply was tested, and before blood-clotting products were virally inactivated. It seems like another generation, but many of our guys still are fighting hep C, even though their HIV has been brought under control.This is an amazing breakthrough. Read on…

Drugs provide cure for hepatitis C, trials show Medications are hailed as a ‘triumph,’ but are pricey   


Twenty-five years after scientists first identified the hepatitis C virus, doctors are declaring victory over an infection that afflicts more than 3 million Americans and kills more of them than HIV.

In a series of clinical trial results, a new generation of antiviral medications was able to clear the liver-ravaging virus from virtually all patients’ bloodstreams in as little as eight weeks. Even in patients with the most stubborn infections, the new drugs were capable of suppressing the virus completely at rates well over     90%.

The treatments, however, come with a steep price tag. The “sustained virologic responses” reported in the trials typically mean an infection has been permanently cleared. Only further research will establish that these cures will endure, averting an estimated 15,000 deaths a year from liver disease in the U.S. Worldwide, as many as 3% of people have the infection known as HCV.

The new medications are “a triumph of modern medical technology,” said Dr. Jeffrey Tice, a UC San Francisco physician who was not involved in any of the clinical trials. Results were published this week in the New     England Journal of Medicine.

In the treatment of chronic hepatitis C, achieving such success in so short a time, with relatively mild side effects and with a single pill daily, is without precedent. Until recently, physicians relied on two wide-spectrum antiviral medications — interferon and ribavirin — that required precise dosing over periods as long as 48 weeks. Fewer than half of HCV patients are even eligible for the treatment, which comes with punishing side effects. And the regimen’s difficulties cause many to abandon it.

In the same way that antibiotics made victory over human bacterial infections possible in the 20th century, the new antiviral medications have “revolutionized” the treatment of hepatitis C, wrote Harvard Medical School liver specialists Drs. Raymond T. Chung and Thomas F. Baumert, who were not involved in the trials. The  drugs — some already approved by the Food and Drug Administration, others now under consideration by the agency — offer “genuine prospects for the first comprehensive cure of a chronic viral infection in humans,” they wrote.

Among the nation’s baby boomers, the new medications are likely to avert hundreds of thousands of cases of liver cancer and dramatically reduce the number of liver transplants. Americans between the ages of 50 and 68 account for roughly 75% of HCV infections in the United States. While many contracted the virus through illicit drug use, an untold number of boomers are thought to have been infected by tainted blood transfusions before a test for the virus became available in 1992.  Even as health experts welcomed the trial results, they cautioned that widespread use of the new drugs would come at a steep price. A 12-week regimen of sofosbuvir — just one of the medications in a proposed hepatitis C cocktail — costs $84,000, or about $1,000 per tablet. Treatment with simeprevir, another medication in the same class, can exceed $66,000.

At such prices, U.S. patients will have only limited access to the breakthrough drugs for some time to come, Tice said. The cost of treating even half of the Americans chronically infected with HCV would exceed the amount currently spent on all radiological imaging, said Tice, who helped assess the cost and accessibility of the new medications for the California Technology Assessment Forum.  Insurers will probably limit their use to patients with advanced fibrosis or cirrhosis of the liver, a group that represents about one-third of those infected in the U.S. Those patients are at the greatest risk of developing liver cancer or liver disease severe enough to require a liver transplant, conditions that are costly and time-consuming to treat.

In a welter of trial results announced at the International Liver Congress 2014 meeting in London, medications with the chemical names ABT-450/ritonavir, ombitasvir, dasabuvir, ledipasvir and sofosbuvir were successful in bringing about sustained clearance of the hepatitis C virus in the wide range of subjects who took them.  In one of the trials, a combination of ledipasvir and sofosbuvir cleared the virus in 99% of patients after 12 weeks. When the drugs were given to patients with cirrhosis for whom previous treatments had failed, 24 weeks of therapy resulted in a virtually100% success rate.     The trials also demonstrated that among patients infected with the stubborn Type 1 hepatitis C genotype, success rates were above 95%.     The new medications assessed in the latest trials were developed by Gilead Sciences Inc. of Foster City, Calif., and AbbVie of Chicago. The two drug companies funded the trials.

melissa.healy@latimes.com   Twitter:     @LATMelissaHealy

The [Infusion] Shot Heard Round the World

Unless you were watching the new streaming releases of Season 6 of Breaking Bad on Netflix (for which I might excuse you) or were abducted by aliens (for which I will not) you must have heard the news….. the first extended half-life factor has been approved for commercial sale. It’s the hemophilia B drug APROLIX. The news was announced at the HFA meeting in Tampa last Saturday, and it truly is the Shot Heard Round the World (an appropriate reference to the American Revolution). This ain’t just a new product, folks; it could shake up the industry. Physicians are watching; patients are watching; Wall Street is watching. What will the “uptake” be? 

Uptake is how many patients will switch to using a new product. The hemophilia community tends to be a “wait and see” creature, perhaps due to our devastating experiences of the 1980s. When Advate was launched in 2002 (yes, drugs are launched, like ships), investors predicted a rosy 20% uptake, but initially it was more like 12%. As the risk-takers who switched early reported good results, more and more patients switched. But Aprolix is truly a different kind of drug. Not just a new generation, it is a new type of hemophilia drug: an extended half-life, meaning fewer infusions for the same results. 

And Hemophilia B has not had a buffet of drugs to try like hemophilia A. There was only one recombinant (you all know what that means, right?) FIX for years, until October 2013, when Rixubis was approved. With extended half-life factor, prepare for some major shifts in our landscape. Much may depend on the price, which no one is talking about. If it’s too high, will insurance cover it? 

And what about individual results? Will each patient respond well? Advate had major hiccups when there appeared to be an increase in inhibitor formation in users. Was this due to higher scrutiny of inhibitors with a new product? The initial scare seemed to be due to increased scrutiny. And these are among the most scrutinized things on the planet.

And lest we get too carried away, don’t forget there are other products in the pipeline by other companies, some extended half-life (the products, not the companies, though we hope they are long lasting too). Basically, the news about Aprolix marks the beginning of a new era in hemophilia. Maybe a Revolution, maybe the Renaissance. A Hemophilia Renaissance. 
Below, an article in its entirety about the news….
U.S. FDA approves Biogen’s hemophilia B drug
Biogen Idec Inc has won U.S.
approval for its long-acting hemophilia B treatment Alprolix, the U.S. Food and
Drug Administration said on Friday.
Hemophilia B is a rare, inherited disorder in
which a person’s blood does not clot properly, which can lead to prolonged
bleeding and bruising. It affects about 4,000 people in the United States and
25,000 worldwide.
Alprolix is a bioengineered version of the blood
coagulation factor IX, a protein needed for normal blood clotting. Biogen is
developing the drug in partnership with Swedish Orphan Biovitrum AB. It
received approval in Canada a week ago.
Hemophilia drugs in general must be infused two
to three times a week to prevent bleeding episodes. Biogen’s drug needs to be
administered once a week or once every 10 to 14 days.
The company is also developing a long-lasting
drug, Eloctate, for Hemophilia A, a more common form of the disease, that
affects about 20,000 people in the United States. Patients with hemophilia A
lack or have reduced levels of coagulation factor VIII.
Current treatments for hemophilia B generate
about $1 billion a year, according to Biogen. The market for hemophilia A
therapies is worth about $6 billion.
Eloctate would compete with Baxter International
Inc’s drug Advate. Baxter is seeking to develop its own long-acting version but
Biogen is expected to be first to the market.
Alprolix is expected to generate sales of $286
million by 2019, according to Thomson Reuters data. Eloctate is expected to
generate sales of $1.1 billion.
(Reporting by Toni Clarke in Washington; Editing
by David Gregorio)  Fri Mar 28,
2014 5:11pm EDT
For more info:

United by Blood: HFA Meeting in Tampa

Laurie Kelley, Jeff Johnson, Barry Haarde

Grey skies and a chilly breeze couldn’t dampen the spirits of those attending the 20th anniversary meeting of Hemophilia Federation of America in Tampa, Florida this past week. A record number attended, estimated between 600-900, from all parts of the US. Zoraida and I arrived on Wednesday, a day early, to meet with some of our colleagues, for this is a prime meeting for business networking, fundraising and brainstorming.

Central to the meeting, like its heart beat, was the History Room. This stunning display of our past 70 years in all its pain and triumph, was a somber reminder of how far we have come in the war against bleeding, and the sacrifices of our fallen. Following a poster timeline, in which each era was clearly defined, led to the room, where dozens of resources were provided (hey, including my own stuff), a community poster board with hundreds of photos, and the Ryan White section from the AIDS Quilt. Kudos to Rich Pezzillo, Ray Datolli and Barry Haarde (and their helpers) who masterfully compiled with painstaking detail this amazing tribute to our community, to our fallen.


Symposia included a variety of topics. One on advocacy and the ACA, called Making Advocacy Personal, featured Jim Romano of PSI and Wendy Owen who answered a slew of questions on advocacy and health care policy. Another on just inhibitors, a new feature at HFA–my only concern was that is was closed only to families with inhibitors. Huh? Everyone could benefit from attending, as there will be families this year who will develop inhibitors, and there are those of us who help educate them. (Anyone want to explain that policy to me?***)

Baxter-Sponsored Dinner Friday Night

A Baxter-sponsored dinner Friday night provided talks from two young men with hemophilia who shared their stories of growing up feeling different, and who now are talking life by the horns–very inspirational!

Ray Datolli, Emily Haarde, Rich Pezzillo, Laurie Kelley

After that dinner, at 9 pm, I attended the Committee of Ten Thousand (COTT) meeting, led by the legendary Corey Dubin. We discussed the Living Memorial, a gorgeous “Vietnam Wall” style, stone memorial, to be placed in San Francisco, with the names of all who died of hemophilia/HIV inscribed on it. The artist’s rendition is spectacular, and prompted Jane Cavanaugh Smith, executive director of the Coluburn-Keenan Foundation to donate $10,000! And to pledge matching donations up to $50,000! Nathan and Sonji Wilkes, parents of Thomas, who has hemophilia and inhibitors, immediately pledged $1,000. Corey was touched and grateful, and we all look forward to learning more about the Memorial’s fundraising and financing so we can begin to help fund this, and at long last, close the wound in our community while the survivors are still with us.

The final night was a wonderful buffet dinner sponsored by Biogen Idec, complete with games for the kids and dancing. And what timing. That very day it was announced on the newswires that Alprolix, Biogen Idec’s long-lasting recombinant factor IX, was approved for sale by the US FDA!

So in addition to congratulating HFA on 20 years of service, Biogen Idec also announced to the crowd the news about this game-changing drug. And don’t forget there are many other drugs in the pipeline coming on line soon from many of the manufacturers….

It’s going to be an interesting year, folks.
Thanks to Kimberly Haugstad and her team for a fabulous meeting!*** Policy explained, April 1 from HFA: “We closed it because inhibitor families asked for it to be closed.”

History Room: 1950s…
Laurie Kelley and Guy Law: Friends for 20+ years!

AIDS Quilt
Andy Matthews and Laurei Kelley: friends for 20+ years
Laurie Kelley and Sarah Workman
John Parler and Laurie Kelley
Julie Heinrich and Laurie Kelley

Laurie Kelley and Juanita Fish!

Insurance Workshop in Nebraska: Pulse on the Road 2014

Kristi Harvey-Simi and Laurie Kelley
Warm air greeted greeted us in Omaha, Nebraska on Friday as I arrived from Boston to set up for our first Pulse on the Road workshop of 2014. POTR is a three our workshop, sponsored by Baxter Healthcare and held in tandem with the National Hemophilia Foundation, which so generously lends us the incomparable Michelle Rice, mother of two adult sons with hemophilia, and director of public policy at NHF. Last year she hired more staff to help her, as she is stretched thin visiting chapters, patients, insurance companies and governments in all 50 states. On this trip we were thrilled to have Nicole Quinn-Gato of NHF, also a policy specialist, accompany Michelle.
The warm welcome by Nebraska Chapter of NHF executive director Kristi Harvey-Simi was followed by an update on the Affordable Care Act by Kim Isenberg, Senior Manager, Reimbursement and Advocacy, Baxter Healthcare. She covered the ACA in general and as it affects hemophilia, noting exceptions for some groups. Nevada has elected not to expand state Medicaid, an important policy to note.
Michelle Rice of NHF

I then presented important points on the importance of choosing
healthcare, since it is now mandated that almost everyone have healthcare. We
need to still watch out for certain variables, such as out of pocket costs,
which may increase as a result of changing policies and plans.

And finally, Michelle and Nicole did a great job proving a 90-minute, hands-on workshop to access the healthcare.gov website, using laptops and iPads, and actually logging on to scope out choosing a plan! It was interesting and frustrating at times! Sometimes it’s hard to find your HTC, was the most common problem.
After lunch there was a Q&A, where the audience could ask questions of the experts.
Though I offered everyone a chance to go home an hour earlier, nobody took advantage: I think they were really soaking up all the information Michelle, Nicole and Kim had to offer!
Next stop for POTR? Philadelphia in June!

Inhibitor Summits are Coming!

I was present way back at the first ever inhibitor summit meetings, brainchild at the time of George McAvoy of Novo Nordisk, and funded by Novo Nordisk. Now run by National Hemophilia Foundation (NHF) with funding from Novo Nordisk, NHF is pleased to announce the 2014 Inhibitor Education Summits, designed to specifically cater to your inhibitor educational needs. Come join this dynamic event and interact with expert healthcare professionals as well as other patients and their families for a weekend of education designed to improve your overall health and quality of life.

The Summits provide:

• Travel and lodging financial assistance provided for eligible patients and their caregiver(s)

• Both locations accessible to wheelchairs and other mobility devices

• Four different educational tracks tailored to suit your needs as a patient or caregiver

• An Interactive Education Camp for Youths, including an off-site activity (Ages 4-12)

• Childcare for infants-3 years old

To learn more, contact NHF:  877-560-5833 or inhibitorsummits@hemophilia.org

or go to https://www.nhfinhibitorsummits.org/register.aspx

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