
Another Graduation, Another World

Last week we posted about Rose Bender, a young lady with hemophilia (rare in itself!) who was accepted to Ivy League schools and who has so far lead a rich and rewarding life, supported by family, filled with promise.
Another young person who has graduated is Kishroy Forde, about the same age as Rose but from an entirely different world. He lives on Mayreau Island, in the middle of the Caribbean Sea, accessible only by boat. From Boston or New York? You’d have to take three planes and a chartered boat to get to his home. Kishroy at work
Kishroy could not have grown up in a more different world than Rose. Isolated on this remote island, which only has had electricity for the past 10 years, living in a house without a bathroom, no immediate access to medical care and certainly no factor. Kishroy’s father is a simple fisherman, earning about $40 a month. His little brother with hemophilia, Kishron, died at age 11 from a GI bled. His mother soon after abandoned the family to go to a nearby island and start another family.
Kishroy struggled to stay in school due to his bleeds and lack of factor. He has to take a boat to school daily! Project SHARE shipped him factor from time to time, to keep him alive, and healthy enough to finish school. Thank God for FedEx!
I visited Kishroy on Mayreau Island last February, after not seeing him since he was 6. I was shocked to see, at the docks when I landed, a 140 lb, 6 foot 2 inch beanpole of a young man greet me. Still soft-spoken and gentle, harboring no anger or bitterness at his lot in life, he embraced me and thanked me for the support from our company.
And he surprised me. On an island of only 300 people, most of whom live and die there, he told me he wanted to go to technical school and get an electrical engineering degree. I promise to foot the bill if he could register and study hard. 
He did. Without family support, with few options in life, with hemophilia bleeds hobbling him (there are no wheelchairs or crutches even on the island) he did it. I am as proud of Kishroy as I am of Rose. Two young people from different worlds, who both value education and are determined to be independent, contributing members of their very different societies, despite the same bleeding disorder.
Fire is the test of gold, adversity of strong men. Seneca
(Thanks to John Parler for sponsoring Kishroy through Save One Life!)


Good Book I Just Read
How to Be a Great Boss
Jeffrey J. Fox
This quick read covers how to be more effective at getting people you work with or manage to be more productive and responsive to you, and how to be better and more effective with your customers. Bottom line? Your customers are your lifeline; they provide the revenues. Treat them like god. Teach your staff to treat them like god. Be attentive, caring, give them what they need. The boss sets the tone for the company, especially regarding how customers will be treated. Three out of five stars.

Rose: A Girl with Hemophilia Overcomes, Achieves, Succeeds!

It’s graduation time! I am off to two graduation parties this month–one for a young man who I’ve known since age 4. He’s like my own son. And here is a story about a wonderful young lady with hemophilia, who I have known about since she was young, too. This is written by her mother, Shari. What an honor to know these remarkable young people as they become our future leaders, in hemophilia, and in the greater world.—Laurie

Harvard, Princeton, Yale, MIT and Columbia— all offered admission to my daughter Rose for their Class of 2019. A true miracle
considering back in 1998 it wasn’t known if she would make it through the night.

Born healthy on May 15, 1997, baby Rose
lay bleeding to death in the hematology/oncology wing at North Shore Manhasset,
New York, at the tender age of 9 months. She required a whole blood transfusion,
fresh frozen plasma and cryoprecipitate in order to save her life while her stunned
parents heard the puzzling diagnosis: hemophilia.
Throughout elementary and middle school,
Rose would miss many days due to bleeds and complications. Rose was also diagnosed
with ulcerative colitis in the beginning of her high school years. Despite having
two serious chronic illnesses, Rose never complained or requested special treatment.
She flourished academically and socially, was recognized as a Siemens semi-finalist
and was voted second-runner up Homecoming queen by her peers.
Rose achieved a perfect 36 ACT score as
well perfect scores on all her SAT II’s and 5’s on all her AP exams. Her outstanding
GPA led Rose to be named Valedictorian of Half Hollow Hills High School West in
Dix Hills where she was recently awarded the “Golden H” award, the school’s top
Rose didn’t let her illnesses stop her
from being active in extracurricular activities; she was manager of the fencing
team and editor of the school yearbook, and led the school’s record-breaking blood
drive. Somehow Rose also made the time to help others, taking an active fundraising
role in NYC Hemophilia Walk and the local CCFA Walk. Rose has spoken at numerous
New York City Hemophilia Chapter events, and has also shared her story at multiple
Long Island Blood Services events. After being fencing manager for three years,
Rose got medical clearance to finally fence on the strip, and she won her first
varsity bout.
Rose’s achievements would be impressive for any young woman.
When you factor in a chronic and life- threatening bleeding disorder and an often-debilitating
lifelong gastrointestinal disease, it is downright inspiring. Rose has selected
to attend Yale University in the fall, where she is sure to make her mark. She was
recently featured on a piece on ABC Newschannel 7 here in New York.

By Shari Bender

From me again: Congratulations to Rose and her family! Her achievements
are better understood in perspective when you consider the talent and drive of
her parents, who have long been active in the hemophilia community, both nationally
and locally!
Good Book I Just Read
How to Become a Rainmaker
Jeffrey J. Fox
This quick read covers a lot of ground for business people who want to bring in more revenue. A bit dated now, it still contains wise advise for improving your skills in the field, with customers and staff. Bottom line? Cherish your customers, never take them for granted and know that anyone could be or become your customer. Contains “Killer Sales Questions” and tips for wining/dining and winning over customers. Three out of five stars.

FDA Approves a New Factor IX Treatment for Hemophilia B!

The following is a paid public awareness notice from Emergent BioSolutions about a recently approved FIX treatment.
Earlier this year I spotlighted the Emergent-sponsored mentorship program for teens and adults with hemophilia B (Calling All B’s—Be Part of the Generation IX Project! Or, way back in May 2014, when I shared my admiration for John Taylor, co-founder of the Coalition for Hemophilia B, and his work with Emergent BioSolutions to help bring a new factor IX to market (A Promising Future with Hemophilia B). 
 Well, our era of expanding treatment choices for hemophilia continues with the FDA-approval of Emergent’s IXINITY® [Coagulation Factor IX (Recombinant)] for people with hemophilia B. Now there’s more than one recombinant factor IX for hemophilia B people to rely on. 
More choice means more product differences to consider. That means it’s now more  important than ever to educate ourselves and understand differences among treatments. It also puts more power in the hands of patients to select a treatment that fits their needs and their lifestyles. 
Another great thing about the expansion of treatment choice is that it stresses how important it is for manufacturers to create a more positive treatment experience by offering additional programs that help individual people and the whole hemophilia B community.
More information about IXINITY is below. You can visit the site at IXINITY.com for more on what they call the IXINITY IXperience™. 
 With IXINITY, you define the IXperience. 
Predictable bleed control for your active, unpredictable life. 
• 98% average incremental recovery.Higher recovery may allow lower doses.1* 
• Third-generation† factor IX with no inhibitors developed in a clinical study.1‡ 
• 24-hour half-life for peak factor levels when you need them.1 

Start your FREE trial. Call 1-855-IXINITY (1-855-494-6489) to talk with your IXperience Concierge™. 

    • With your FREE trial of IXINITY, you’ll receive 1 month of free treatment up to 20,000 IU. 

    • After that, if you’re covered by commercial insurance, you may continue to   
    pay nothing out-of-pocket for IXINITY regardless of income. 
The IXINITY Savings Program: You can save up to $12,000 annually.§ 
    • NO income requirements 

    • NO out-of-pocket costs∥ 

    • NO monthly limits 
If you have commercial health insurance, you can save up to $12,000 a year for treatment with no income requirements or caps and no monthly limit over the $12,000 annual maximum. 

*The pharmacokinetics of IXINITY have been evaluated in 32 previously treated patients ≥12 years of age with severe to moderately severe hemophilia B.1 
†Third-generation product is defined by the National Hemophilia Foundation Medical and Scientific Advisory Council as recombinant factor IX (rFIX) produced in Chinese hamster ovary cells; no human or animal plasma-derived proteins are used in the manufacturing process2
‡The efficacy (n=68) and safety (n=77) of IXINITY has been evaluated in a prospective, open-label, uncontrolled, multicenter trial in which previously treated patients (PTPs) between 7 and 64 years of age received IXINITY in either a routine or on-demand regimen.1 
§Program does not cover government healthcare costs (Medicare, Medicaid, and TRICARE) or costs associated with therapy administration. Other restrictions may apply, and a US prescriber and pharmacy are required. Emergent BioSolutions reserves the right to rescind, revoke, or amend this offer without notice. 
∥May depend on your individual health insurance. 
What is IXINITY®? 
IXINITY [coagulation factor IX (recombinant)] is a medicine used to replace clotting factor (factor IX) that is missing in adults and children at least 12 years of age with hemophilia B. Hemophilia B is also called congenital factor IX deficiency or Christmas disease. Hemophilia B is an inherited bleeding disorder that prevents clotting. Your healthcare provider may give you IXINITY to control and prevent bleeding episodes or when you have surgery. 
IXINITY is not indicated for induction of immune tolerance in patients with hemophilia B. 
 You should not use IXINITY if you are allergic to hamsters or any ingredients in IXINITY. 
 You should tell your healthcare provider if you have or have had medical problems, take any medicines, including prescription and non-prescription medicines, such as over-the-counter medicines, supplements, or herbal remedies, have any allergies, including allergies to hamsters, are nursing, are pregnant or planning to become pregnant, or have been told that you have inhibitors to factor IX. 
 You can experience an allergic reaction to IXINITY. Contact your healthcare provider or get emergency treatment right away if you develop a rash or hives, itching, tightness of the throat, chest pain, or tightness, difficulty breathing, lightheadedness, dizziness, nausea, or fainting. 
 Your body may form inhibitors to IXINITY. An inhibitor is part of the body’s defense system. If you develop inhibitors, it may prevent IXINITY from working properly. Consult with your healthcare provider to make sure you are carefully monitored with blood tests for development of inhibitors to IXINITY. 
 If you have risk factors for developing blood clots, the use of IXINITY may increase the risk of abnormal blood clots. 
 Call your healthcare provider right away about any side effects that bother you or do not go away, or if your bleeding does not stop after taking IXINITY. 
 The most common side effect that was reported with IXINITY during clinical trials was headache. 
 These are not all the side effects possible with IXINITY. You can ask your healthcare provider for information that is written for healthcare professionals. 

Please see full Prescribing Information for IXINITY. 

You are encouraged to report side effects of prescription drugs to the Food and Drug Administration. Visit www.fda.gov/medwatch, or call 1-800-FDA-1088. 

References: 1. IXINITY [coagulation factor IX (recombinant)] prescribing information. Winnipeg, MB, Canada; Emergent BioSolutions Inc.; April 2015. 2. National Hemophilia Foundation Medical and Scientific Advisory Council (MASAC). MASAC recommendations concerning products licensed for the treatment of hemophilia and other bleeding disorders. MASAC Document #230. September 2014. 

Manufactured by Cangene Corporation, a subsidiary of Emergent BioSolutions Inc. and distributed by Cangene bioPharma, Inc., a subsidiary of Emergent BioSolutions Inc. 
IXINITY® [Coagulation Factor IX (Recombinant)] and any and all Emergent BioSolutions Inc. brand, product, service and feature names, logos, slogans are trademarks or registered trademarks of Emergent BioSolutions Inc. or its subsidiaries in the United States or other countries. All rights reserved. 
©2015 Emergent BioSolutions Inc. 

Financial Support Programs Offered By Pfizer

There are a lot of great programs available to people in our bleeding disorder community. I’ve been sharing some of them recently. Here’s another great one from Pfizer!
Managing hemophilia is complex. Patients and caregivers face
medical, emotional, social and financial challenges. Understanding therapy is
just one part of the equation, Pfizer strives to provide support beyond science
and innovation. The company offers many educational resources and financial
assistance programs for eligible patients who infuse with Pfizer Hemophilia
Recombinant Factor products. 
Factor Savings Card Program provides financial
support to eligible patients to help cover out-of- pocket co-pay, deductible,
and coinsurance associated with their Pfizer factor costs. Eligible patients
can save up to $5,000 annually. The Card is not health insurance and will only
be accepted at participating pharmacies.
RxPathways is a comprehensive assistance program
that provides eligible patients with a range of support services, including
insurance counseling, co-pay assistance and access to medicines for free or at
a savings.
Pfizer Trial Prescription Program allows
eligible patients new to Pfizer factor products to receive a one-time supply up
to 20,000 IU at no cost.
To learn more about these programs, visit the financial
support page on Hemophilia
. On this site you’ll also find tips and resources to help you and
your family navigate the various challenges that can arise at different life
stages. Another great way to stay up-to-date on the support provided by Pfizer,
and to hear from others in the community, is to join the conversation on the Our Hemophilia Community Facebook page. 
This content was provided and sponsored by Pfizer.

Great Book I Just Read
Mustaine: A Heavy Metal Memoir [Kindle]
Dave Mustaine and Joe Kayden

Sometimes called the founder of thrash metal, Mustaine shares his troubled and abusive childhood, his calling to music in the 80s, his short foray as a founder of Metallica, his sudden ouster, and his inspiration to form Megadeth, one of the top thrash and heavy metal bands of all time. Mustaine was driven to create, recreate, fight others and destroy himself with drugs. That he is alive is a miracle. Burning through 17 different band members in a four piece band, Mustaine is not easy to deal with. Here he is candid, acknowledging his eternal grudge against Metallica and his own abrasive personality. Meeting his wife turned his life around, though not enough to stay off drugs. Finally, in a surprise ending, he finds peace and sobriety. I only wish the book could have delved as much into his creative process (how did he write such amazong songs?!) as it did into his drug usage and rehab.
Four/five stars.

Submit Your Application for HeroPath™ Today!

Navigating adulthood is challenging enoughfrom asserting your independence, to building relationships, to choosing a direction in life. Living with hemophilia can make this life stage even more complex, which is where HeroPath™ comes in. Apply to HeroPath™ today for the chance to work with talented life coaches and your peers to learn new skills and techniques to help you excel in your daily life and chart a clear path forward.

What: For the second year in a row, Novo Nordisk has partnered with Jeffrey Leiken, CEO at Evolution Mentoring International, to offer HeroPath™, an empowering program that offers life coach and peer support to help teens ages 16-19 and adults ages 20-25.

Who: Given the hemophilia community’s positive feedback from HeroPath™ 2014, Novo Nordisk has expanded the program so that all people with hemophilia A or B (with or without inhibitors) ages 16-25 who live in the United States and are privately insured may apply.

How: Visit the HeroPath™ website  to complete your official HeroPath™ application, which requires answering several multiple-choice questions and providing a short written explanation (up to 150 words) of why you are a great fit for the program. Not one for writing? You can provide a 60-second video explanation instead—just upload your video to YouTube™ and paste the URL into the application form. Check out the website for sample responses to help get your creative juices flowing.

When: All entries must be received by 11:59 p.m. EDT on Monday, June 15, 2015. Jeff will select up to 50 participants based on their answers to the multiple-choice questions and the level of creativity and original thought conveyed through their short-response or video entries. Entries will be judged on a rolling basis. Applicants will be notified of their selection as early as Tuesday, June 16, 2015.

Why: Up to 50 selected participants will attend one of two unforgettable kickoff weekends with Jeff, his team of expert coaches, and fellow peers.

Kickoff one: July 31-August 2, 2015
Up to 25 participants
Ages: 20-25
Location: Philadelphia, PA

Kickoff two: August 7-9, 2015
Up to 25 participants
Ages: 16-19
Location: Philadelphia, PA

Spanish-speaking coaches and Spanish interpreters will be on-site at the kickoff weekends. After the kickoffs, all participants will continue to receive personalized, one-on-one monthly coaching for the following year.

See what some of last year’s participants had to say about HeroPath™:
·        Introducing the HeroPath™ Program
·        HeroPath™: What This Program Means to Me

What parents need to know: HeroPath™ isn’t just a weekend retreat—it’s a yearlong program designed to help offer participants the tools to identify:
·        Their professional career paths based on interests, strengths, talents, and natural inclination.
·        The types of people to associate with personally and professionally
·        The kind of person they want to be (Jeff and his team will help participants give voice to their own values)

For some participants, it may be their first time away from home. HeroPath™ will allow them to meet peers with similar experiences and challenges. The program is structured to provide participants with resources to help them better manage their state, stay focused, and make better decisions under pressure.

Selected participants (and guardian if the participant is younger than 18) will receive travel details 2 to 4 weeks before the kickoff weekend once all their required paperwork is complete. A planning team also will be available via phone and e-mail in the weeks leading up to the kickoff to address outstanding questions. Details will be included in the official program welcome letter.

This is a paid announcement by BioSector 2

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