
My Stars, Our Future: Astrology and Hemophilia

Do you believe in astrology? The idea that the alignment of the stars at your time of birth can determine personality traits and more?
I’m a Scorpio, and according to the books, a near-perfect one, personality wise. Intense, probing, passionate. Right down to the fact that we love wearing black. 
Our colleague Richard Atwood of North Carolina has uncovered a fascinating history of hemophilia and astrology, which he writes may have more in common than might be
expected. —Laurie

Hemophilia and other genetic disorders have been
specifically studied in the field of medical astrology. The vision that medical
care would be enhanced and better understood through astrology never
materialized, but it leads to speculations on what might have happened to
hemophilia if medical astrology had become a legitimate discipline of inquiry.

 John Addey (1920-1982) wrote the article “Harmonics, Genetics and Disease” and Charles Harvey (1940-2000) wrote the article “Hemophilia – An Inherited
Disease.” Cambridge
Circle, Limited, published these two articles in a 19-page, single-stapled
pamphlet with the identifier New Directions 1. This implies that the pamphlet
is intended as the first in a series. No date of publication for the pamphlet
is provided, yet Addey mentions his new book, Harmonics in Astrology.
Never stated as such, that book was published in 1976.1  

Addey broaches the topic of medical astrology and the
relationship between astrology and heredity. He asserts that “a knowledge of astrology is a
valuable adjunct to the healing art.”
Then in a statement combining realistic pessimism with opportunistic
optimism, Addey adds, “Unfortunately,
astrology is not part of the conceptual framework of modern medicine, but we
can be assured that this state of affairs is about to change.” Unfortunately for Addey, his
prediction remains unfulfilled. 

 Addey asserts the argument that because natural characteristics
are defined by laws of heredity and natural characteristics are calculated by a
horoscope, it follows that the astrological code must be in agreement with the
genetic code. This point of view assumes that physiological transmission of natural
traits and cosmic transmission of natural traits are parallel expressions of
the same theme. To an astrologer, this argument is evident so it must be true. 

 Proving his point, Addey cites the research by Michel Gauquelin.
Earlier in 1970 Gauquelin had calculated the horoscopes for time of birth for
28,000 parents and children. He found a statistically significant tendency for
parents to have the same planet rising or culminating as their children. To
Addey, this astrological relationship of planetary position, though general,
does exist, allowing him to build upon its foundation.

 Addey acknowledges some research obstacles. An absence of data on
recorded birth times poses research problems for determining horoscopes. Addey
is less concerned about the modern medical practices such as induction of labor
and contraception that cause disoriented births.

 To substantiate his point, Addey provides personal data on his
paternal grandparents, his father, himself, and his three children because he
knew all of their exact birth times. Addey
also provides data on Queen Victoria, a hemophilia carrier, who passed on the
hereditary blood disease to one son and two daughters. Citing Harvey’s article, Addey claims that
the affected descendants with hemophilia repeat the Saturn and Mars/Saturn
midpoint by 45º aspect
(involving appropriate significators) and within extremely narrow orbs. As a
final example, Addey presents the case of Helen Keller, who acquired her
hearing and sight loss due to scarlet fever at age 19 months, rather than by
genetics. Through extensive computations for the 5th harmonic chart, putting
the radical chart on to a 72º dial,
or a fifth of the circle, Addey concludes that probably the only major
indication of perception deprivation on Keller’s horoscope is the fairly close square of Saturn, ruler of
the third house, to Mercury. The origin of severe injury to the faculties of
perception and communication by scarlet fever is found when the very harsh
opposition falls with Saturn on the radical Mars. Addey proves his point
through obfuscation, using terminology familiar only to astrologers, so the
reader has to either acquiesce or give up trying to understand the complicated

 Harvey, in a much shorter article, focuses on just the descent of
hemophilia from Queen Victoria. Harvey discovers highly specific astrological
correlates for the 24 hemophiliac and hemophilia-carrier descendants plus
non-hemophiliac siblings for whom data are known. Strikingly, the sensitive
point of Queen Victoria’s
horoscope with Saturn at 28º46’ Pisces and her Mars/Saturn
midpoint at 8º10’ Aries are duplicated in her
descendants who suffered from or were carriers of hemophilia by 45º aspect. Harvey concludes that
Saturn and the Mars/Saturn midpoint symbolize the hereditary deficiency of
hemophilia. He explains that Jupiter has traditional rulership of blood while
Sun/Jupiter is related the the regeneration of blood. Harvey also provides a
simplified cosmic and hereditary pedigree for Queen Victoria over 4

  The pamphlet provides no information about the two authors. John
Addey was born on June 15, 1920, at 8:15 AM GDT in Barnsley, England (53N34;
1W28). After the World War II, he joined the Astrological Lodge of the
Theosophical Society in England and continued his astrological studies while
pursuing a Masters degree. Addey founded the Astrological Association and
published several books on advanced modern harmonics and the symbolic basis of
numbers. Charles Harvey was born on June 22, 1940 at 9:16 AM BST in Little
Bookham, Surrey, England. Having Addey as a mentor, Harvey earned his Diploma
of Astrology in 1966 and became President of the Astrological Association in
1973. As an astrologer, teacher, organizer, author, researcher, and counselor,
Harvey specialized in financial astrology and the astrology of world affairs.
He died from non-Hodgkin’s
lymphatic cancer.

 Hemophilia is defined by Diane L. Cramer in the Dictionary of
Medical Astrology
(2000) as “malefics
in second-eighth axis, Mars Saturn stress aspect, Jupiter afflictions,
afflictions to Sun, Moon, or Ascendant.”
(p. 36). This definition is assumed to be self-explanatory as no further
information is provided. The four malefics are Mars, Saturn, Uranus, and
Neptune. A comparison of this dictionary definition of hemophilia to that
stated by Harvey was not attempted.

 More detailed astrological charts of Queen Victoria, Alexandra
the Czarina of Russia, and Czarevitch Alexei are readily available for
downloads from the Astro-Databank. The issues of privacy for personal and
astrological data are not addressed on these internet sites other than
statements that content is available under permission. Much of the personal
information on the European royalty is public knowledge, so their astrological
charts are easily computed.


Medical astrology never became enmeshed in modern medical care
even after John Addey proclaimed it would in 1976. Yet we can still speculate
on the changes if astrology were included in hemophilia care today. Hemophilia
treatment centers would now provide diagnostic, treatment, and forecasting
services. As part of the HTC social intake form, HTC staff would gather
detailed information on the exact date, time, and place of birth using GPS
coordinates. These same data would be collected on CDC surveillance forms and
processed by ATHN. In the beginning, these data would have been cumbersome, but
today computer software, and even smart phone apps, would simplify the
analysis. And to get the largest data set possible, the National Hemophilia Foundation
would initiate a program called My Stars, Our Future to determine the
astrological code of everyone with a bleeding disorder. We can always wish upon
a star.

1. The publisher Cambridge Circle is listed in the Notes with a Green Bay, Wisconsin address.

Introducing Baxalta!

When does a company change its name, especially when it’s got a good thing going on? 

We’ve seen change in our bleeding disorder community when one company buys another—called an acquisition. Some of the factor manufacturers have been acquired through the years, sometimes with a name change: can you think of any? Specialty pharmacies have seen a fast and furious amount of consolidation: your speciality pharmacy may have been one of them. It’s been going on for over 10 years now. So fast and often, you may have missed a few!
But when the biggest factor manufacturer changes its name, that’s worthy of a blog. And it’s not from aquisition—it hasn’t been bought. Baxter Healthcare International, as part of its strategic planning, has now become two separate companies. The company has long been a leader in hospital supplies—like dialysis equipment, IV pumps and solutions, and biologics—like factor. Baxter’s BioSciences division is where its factor products are made.
So Baxter has spun off the BioSciences division, which is now a completely separate company. Headquarters will remain in the Chicago area, but its R&D division will move to Cambridge, Massachusetts, about 30 minutes from my house, in fact! Cambridge is the center of the biotech universe. 
The new company is called Baxalta, a combination of the familiar name Baxter and “alta” which in Latin means “high” or “above.”
As a consumer, you’ll see eventually new packaging and a new name. But I think most of the people you know at Baxalta, like your local rep, will stay the same for now. 
Please check out the new website, and get to know Baxalta!

This post and images are sponsored by Baxalta 


Great Book I Just Read

Dr. Mutter’s Marvels: A True Tale of Intrigue and Innovation at the Dawn of Modern Medicine [Kindle]

by Cristin O’Keefe Aptowicz

An intriguing, ethical, compassionate physician and brilliant surgeon, who introduced plastic surgery to the US from Paris, Dr. Thomas Dent Mutter seemed destined to make history. Orphaned at an early age, impoverished, he nonetheless rose the ranks in the difficult and often snobbish Philadelphia medical community, becoming beloved by students and patients for his expertise as well as compassionate treatment of patients. At a time when the best surgeon was often the fastest (there was no anesthesia for a long time!), Mutter was highly regarded, especially for treating cases of “monsters,” those people scarred by horrific accidents, or having deformities. He dedicated his life especially to those deformed by disease, birth or accident, and his contributions are now in the macabre but utterly fascinating Mutter Museum in Philadelphia. I’ve been there and was amazed! It’s a legacy for a man who is admirable for his contributions, dedication and ethical manners. I couldn’t put this book down! Five/five stars.

Haarde to Ride!

Or not hard to ride… after all, this is Barry’s fourth trip across country on a bicycle! He makes it look so easy. 100 miles a day? Not a problem. I’m lucky if I do that three times in a summer!

If you haven’t gotten involved, now’s the time. Wheels for the World: Barry is performing this astounding feat as a fundraiser for Save One Life. Moved by the plight of children suffering without factor in developing countries, Barry has sacrificed time off from work, and his own comfort (though I think he kind of enjoys this crazy, punishing route) to bring awareness to these children, and to raise funds for our core mission work.
Starting in California, and heading east, Barry is traveling 7 weeks on the road. He road through the Rockies, onto Indiana, where he met up with Ryan White’s mother, Jeanne.
He will reach Portsmouth, New Hampshire on July 21, just nine days from now! A small contingent from New England will be there to greet him. After all, it’s only 20 minutes from my house! Afterwards, we will celebrate with a good ol’ New England Clambake in my backyard. Delish!
Barry hopes you will consider sponsoring a child, just as he sponsors Mukesh. We have 70 children waiting!! To sponsor, click here: Save One Life 
Or make a donation in any amount to help us reach our goal! Save One Life, begun in 2001, has delivered over $1.5 million directly to patients in need in developing countries! No one else can claim this, and no one does what we do. We make a direct and powerful impact in people’s lives who suffer with bleeding disorders in Africa, Asia, Latin America, and Eastern Europe.
Thank you, Barry! For your compassion, fortitude and perseverance!
Thanks to gold sponsor Baxter International Inc., sponsors Biogen, Emergent, George King Bio-Medical, Hemophilia of Indiana, OptumRx, The Alliance Pharmacy and individual donors for making the ride possible and helping us gain on our fundraising goal!

Thirty-Four Years Without Factor: Hepson’s Story

Last week we shared notice about a website where you can share your personal story. That’s for US patients with hemophilia. How about this story? If you felt grateful on July 4 that you live in the US, you certainly will even more so after reading the inspiring and amazing story of Hepson Minja of Tanzania.  This was submitted by Hepson’s son John:

Hepson was born in Marangu,
Kilimanjaro, an area north of Tanzania in 1962. He is married and has four
children. Hepson has never being able to receive any sort of higher education
and he spent most of his early life in treating unhealed injuries, in hospitals
and visiting herbal doctors without the problem being fully known.
After the amputation, in Kenya
Hepson Minja, now age 52, is one of the
few people in Tanzania to have ever lived with hemophilia without treatment for
a long time. It is and never was a smooth journey as he at first never knew
what was wrong with him. The lack of this knowledge compounded with injuries he
got, made Hepson spend most of his life in hospitals or visiting herbal doctors
in search of a solution. Due to his lack of treatment, Hepson never received
higher education. He trained as an electronics repair man in 1983, repairing
televisions and radios and that has been his source of livelihood ever since.
In his frequency
movements to the hospitals, Hepson has usually spent two to six months when
hurt or injured, but surprisingly he was never treated for hemophilia.
One case he remembers is in 1993, when his
knee swelled for almost three months with extreme pains and no medical
prescriptions. After an assessment from the doctors, it was agreed that the leg
was to be amputated. With his condition, he lost a lot of blood and after every
two days received a blood transfusion of around 26 units. He stayed in hospital
for six months with the condition.
Afterwards, Richard Minja, who is  current president of the  Hemophilia Society of Tanzania and
Hepson’s brother, had Hepson, go to Nairobi where, after more tests, Hepson was
diagnosed with hemophilia A. From then on, he started receiving treatment at
the Kenyatta Hospital under Prof. Mwanda in Nairobi, Kenya which is 471 km from
his home in Arusha.
Hepson’s life has had numerous interruptions
as he was required to attend hospitals frequently, but still Hepson with the
help of crutches managed to take care of his family and involves himself in
acts of philanthropy with his meager income such as, assisting his son John in
delivering oral and reproductive health education to the orphaned children, who
lost their parents from HIV/AIDS and hemophilia.
In 2008, Hepson slipped and broke his
only leg. The leg swelled and the pain was enormous. Laurie Kelley sent
medicine from the USA as Tanzania has little experience with hemophilia. The
doctors failed to administer the medicine and he was in the hospital for two months
without getting better. He finally asked to be discharged and sent home. He
later went to Nairobi and it is there that he started using factor VIII
concentrate. Laurie came to see Hepson and together with Prof. Mwanda discussed
on the best way to help Hepson. During this time Hepson was also visited by
Assad E. Haffar, the deputy programs director and regional program manager for Middle
East and Africa for the World Federation of Hemophilia (WFH) who offered
encouragement and advice. This sort of support is what Hepson points out as it
gave him the will and power to fight on.
He was in the hospital for six months
and was discharged after the swelling had decreased, though the bones had not
joined. Since that time he has not been able to walk, but rather uses a wheel
chair and spend most of his life at home.
Hepson today
Hepson’s life has numerous challenges
recently; he has to travel to Nairobi to see a dentist for the removal of some
of his teeth. All the travel and hospital services require fees which he cannot
afford as he has no any stable income; it becomes increasingly hard for him especially
considering he has to pay school fees for his son John who is medical school,
his daughter Margaret who is in secondary school and his other son Edwin who is
in college.
Hepson also faces transport issues as
he is unable to walk, he always wishes he could have been able to move freely
and do things that will help sustain his family fully, his philanthropic activities
and his visitations to hospitals.
Hepson acknowledges that, there are a
lot of hemophilia patients in Tanzania who face challenges due to the lack of
medical facilities and good laboratories for hemophilia diagnosis. Hepson feels
aggrieved and always seek for a way to make the situation better so that, the
patients may do away with all the pains and have a fighting chance to live. Hepson
is a testament to all hemophilia patients that a lot is possible, he hopes to
provide an inspiration to all patients that a way to a normal life is possible.

Share Your Story!

“After nourishment, shelter and companionship, stories are the thing we need most in the world.” 
As a writer, I tend to agree! Whether we are imparting facts or weaving a tale, we seem to learn best when we hear it all as a story. Stories are especially important for families dealing with bleeding disorders. We all want to hear the Introduction (Beginning), the Conflict and the Climax (Middle), and the Outcome (End). And we want to hear lots of stories because our own story will mirror one someday.
Grifols, manufacturers of plasma-derived clotting factors, is offering a chance for you to tell your story, to help other families who have hemophilia or von Willebrand Disease. 
Visit www.mybleedingdisorder.com to share your experience and provide inspiration and motivation to others seeking ways to better manage their bleeding disorder.
Your story may be featured on the newly launched consumer website , and may also be selected to be shown in the Grifols booth at the National Hemophilia Foundation conference in Dallas, Texas in August!
As I always advise, please read the privacy notice on the site before sharing.
This is a paid public awareness notice from Griflols.

Great Book I Just Read

Anthem by Ayn Rand [Kindle]

If you want to know what the legendary Ayn Rand, who grew up in Stalinist Russia, believes in a nutshell, read this novella. In this futuristic story, people’s names are replaced by genres and numbers (Liberty 5-3000), humanity has all individuality stripped away, and a collective society emerges. The word “I” is banished, even when referring to oneself. The narrator knows he is different but is not sure how or why. He knows he is not meant to be a street sweeper, as the Elders dictate to him. He has no parents, no family–no one does. His life is controlled by Elders from beginning to the day he dies. He refers to himself as “we,” and is raised to serve the common needs of all. Until one day he discovers an underground place where electricity works–apparently a subway or city from before the end of days. Excited, he shows the Elders but is shunned and shamed. He decides to return to the place, try to make sense of what has happened to mankind and why such technology is being ignored, to improve the lot of the common worker. In the process, he discovers himself, love, his convictions and a future as an individual. A very short read, with powerful and rich ideas about individualism to think about.  Five/five stars.

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