
Plasma-Derived vs Recombinant

A year ago we renewed a match between two heavy-weight contenders in hemophilia: plasma-derived products versus recombinant. The question: which product is more likely to cause inhibitor formation? In the fight to avoid inhibitor formation, some groups and opinion leaders read the initial results of the SIPPET project and declared plasma-derived the winner. But it’s a bit more complicated than that. Read Paul Clement’s excellent article on SIPPET; it will take many more rounds before we declare an outcome. The good news is that so much clinical scrutiny is underway.
Paul Clement
A bombshell was dropped at the Plenary Scientific Session of
the 57th annual meeting of the American Society of Hematology (ASH) on December
6, 2015, in Orlando. Study coordinators of the SIPPET project (Study on
Inhibitors in Plasma-Product Exposed Toddlers)1 presented surprising
preliminary findings: recombinant factor VIII products are associated with an
87% increased risk of inhibitor development compared to plasma-derived factor
VIII products. 2
            In other
words, for every 10 people treated with recombinant factor VIII as opposed to
plasma-derived factor VIII, 1 patient can be expected to develop high-titer
            As a parent
of a toddler who does not have inhibitors, you may feel stunned, angry, or
scared when you read these findings. Should you be? Before you rush to make a
product change, learn how the study was conducted, what its potential
shortfalls are, and why you should take a deep breath!
Shock and Awe
Understandably, many consumers are concerned. Some news
releases describing the study results only heightened the alarm. Hemophilia
Federation of America (HFA) issued a press release requesting that National
Hemophilia Foundation’s (NHF) Medical and Scientific Advisory Council (MASAC)
“consider the temporary suspension of recommendations… that state any
preference for recombinant factor products until the results of the full SIPPET
study can be reviewed.” 3
            Is this a
reasonable reaction, or is this jumping the gun? It helps to examine how the
study was conducted—and why.
Fighting Invaders
Why was the study looking to see if plasma-derived products
are less immunogenic than recombinant products—that is, less likely to lead to
developing inhibitors?
            In the
blood, factor VIII is normally tightly bound to another protein called von
Willebrand factor (VWF). VWF has several functions, including protecting factor
VIII from being digested and cleared from the bloodstream. Some researchers
suggest that in doing this, VWF masks some of the sites on the factor VIII
protein where antibodies attach, potentially making factor VIII with VWF less
immunogenic. Note:
Intermediate/high-purity plasma-derived factor VIII products are the only ones
that contain VWF.
Recombinant and ultra-high-purity (monoclonal purified) plasma-derived factor
VIII products contain no VWF.
Without the protection of its VWF “bodyguard,” the immune
system may recognize these factor VIII products as intruders and develop
inhibitors to neutralize them.
The problem is, no one really knows for sure what causes
inhibitors, and no one knows whether factor VIII with VWF is less immunogenic.
SIPPET Strategy
SIPPET set out to answer this question: Is plasma-derived
factor VIII with VWF less immunogenic compared to recombinant factor VIII
without VWF?
researchers designed a study called a prospective
randomized controlled trial
(RCT). Prospective means looking forward,
before the patient has developed an inhibitor (in contrast to retrospective studies, in which
researchers look backward, after someone has developed an inhibitor).
Controlled means that there are two groups: (1) an experimental group that will
use factor VIII containing VWF, and (2) a control group that will use factor VIII
without VWF. This second group is used as a standard of comparison against the
experimental group. Randomized means that no one involved in the study
influenced which group a patient was assigned to. Randomization is often done
by a computer.
            RCT studies
are often considered the gold standard, thought to produce more reliable data
than other types of studies. Although an RCT can show relationships between
variables being studied, it cannot prove causality. So the RCT used for SIPPET
can’t prove that the presence or absence of VWF in factor VIII caused the observed results.
            SIPPET was
conducted between 2010 and 2015, and data was collected on 251 patients from 42
participating sites in 14 countries from Africa, the Americas, Asia, and
Europe. The patients were younger than six years old, had severe hemophilia A,
were previously untreated with factor, and had minimal exposure (less than five
times) to blood components. Of the 251 patients, 125 were treated with one of
the plasma-derived factor VIII products containing VWF. The remaining 126
patients were treated with a VWF-free recombinant factor VIII product.4 The
patients were followed to see if they developed an inhibitor, for 50 exposure
days (days they received factor infusions) or three years, whichever came
important to note that only one of
the plasma-derived products used in this study is available in the US, and that
the study was funded by manufacturers of plasma-derived products. Is this a
conflict of interest? Does it influence the findings?
SIPPET Shortcomings?
The preliminary findings were startling: of the 251
patients, 76 developed an inhibitor, and 50 of those were high-titer
inhibitors. And 90% of these inhibitors developed in the first 20 days of
treatment. Most important: recombinant factor VIII products were associated
with an 87% increased risk of developing an inhibitor compared to
plasma-derived factor VIII products containing VWF.
            Remember, these are not final results and have not yet
been reviewed by researchers outside of the study
. Before you decide
whether to switch your toddler to a plasma-derived factor VIII containing VWF,
know that many other variables affect inhibitor formation. In any experiment,
variables not directly being tested, but which could have an effect on the
outcome, are called confounding variables.
example, the single greatest risk factor for developing inhibitors is the type
of genetic mutation that caused your child’s hemophilia. If the mutation in the
factor VIII gene resulted in no factor VIII being produced in his body, then he
is already at significantly higher risk of developing an inhibitor. This is one
of many confounding variables in the SIPPET study.
            One way to
reduce the effects of confounding variables on the data is to use a large study
sample. If the sample size is large enough and patients are randomly assigned
to two groups, then each group should have about the same number of patients
with the same confounding variable, so its effect will be canceled. The problem
is that the more confounding variables you have, the larger your study sample
size must be—perhaps several thousand patients. And many variables affect
inhibitor development.
            Another way
to account for the effects of confounding variables is to identify and measure
them, and then to separately compare and analyze the data from patients who
share the same confounding variable. This process is called stratification (meaning to separate into
layers) and was used by SIPPET along with other statistical analysis methods.
But the study identified and measured only six confounding variables: (1) age
at first treatment, (2) intensity of treatment, (3) type of factor VIII gene
mutation, (4) family history, (5) ethnicity, and (6) country site. What about
the effects of the other confounding variables that were not measured? If the
study sample size was too small to reduce the effects of other, unmeasured,
confounding variables, then the study’s conclusions are questionable and might
be explained in other ways.
Don’t Jump Ship Yet
At the time of this writing, SIPPET has not been published
in a medical journal. That means researchers—outside of those conducting the
study—don’t know much more about the study than you do after reading this
article. Only a short synopsis of the SIPPET study was presented at the ASH
annual meeting—just enough to cause a stir and raise many questions. You can be
sure that as soon as the journal article is released, it will be examined by
bleeding disorder experts worldwide. Questions will undoubtedly be asked about
the handling of confounding variables and whether the study sample size was
large enough.
            And experts
will have another question, too: Why didn’t the study include any of the new
prolonged half-life products, several of which appear to have a lower
immunogenicity than other recombinant factor VIII products?
            Should you
switch your toddler from a recombinant to a plasma-derived factor VIII product
containing VWF based on the preliminary SIPPET results, in the hope that it
will reduce the risk of developing an inhibitor? This is a question for you and
your hematologist, but if you were a betting person, the answer would be no. To
bleeding disorder experts, the results of SIPPET are not a bombshell, but
merely a piece of the puzzle that is inhibitors.5 The conclusions of this study
contradict those of several other studies. It may take years, and several
additional studies, to sort everything out. MASAC is on top of this, and as the
data becomes available, you can be assured that NHF will share its expert
opinion. So keep calm and carry on!
https://ash.confex.com/ash/2015/webprogram/Paper82866.html (accessed Feb. 7,
2. Inhibitors are
a major complication of hemophilia in which a person’s immune system mistakenly
recognizes infused factor as a foreign (and potentially dangerous) protein, and
develops antibodies (inhibitors) to inactivate the factor, making factor
infusions ineffective.
(accessed Feb. 7, 2016).
4. The VWF-rich
plasma-derived factor VIII concentrates used by SIPPET: Alphanate (Grifols),
Fandhi (Grifols), Emoclot (Kedrion), or Factane (LFB). The VWF-free recombinant
factor VIII products used: Recombinate (Baxalta), Advate (Baxalta), Kogenate SF
(Bayer), or Refacto AF (Pfizer).
5. Visit the
Believe Limited website for an excellent interview by Patrick James Lynch of
bleeding disorder expert Dr. Steven Pipe about the SIPPET findings:
(accessed Feb. 7, 2016).

See how James found the factor IX option he’d been searching for

As we’re full swing into the holiday spirit and a new year is just around the corner, it seems like the perfect time to

share this inspiring story of a young man with hemophilia B named James. Please read below to learn about his

story and his choice of treatment.

After missing out on much of his life because of bleeds, James found a fresh start with the help of the right treatment for him…IXINITY® [coagulation factor IX (recombinant)].

Watch James share his story at IXINITY.com.

Interested in learning more about IXINITY? Connect with a Hemophilia Territory Manager near you at MyIXINITYRep.com.

And remember, this is James’ experience; different people may have different results. You should always talk to your doctor to decide which treatment is right for you.

Meet James

“Since birth I’ve used different hemophilia B products, and regardless of treatment, I continued to have breakthrough bleeds most every other week. I felt I had no control over my health, and that led me down a bad path as I started making some unhealthy choices in my teen years.

When I was 21, I saw an ad for a clinical trial of a new recombinant hemophilia B treatment. I thought, ‘I have nothing to lose.’

After a few weeks in the clinical trial, I stopped having bleeds almost entirely. I realized I didn’t know what feeling good felt like. I felt more in control, and it was a liberating experience.

One day I decided to go running—I don’t know what made me decide to because I’d never really done it before. But I thought, ‘I’m just going to go for a run,’ and about a mile later, I thought, ‘Huh! This is awesome’

After talking with my doctor, I’ve now developed a habit of running 3 times each week with my dog, and exercising regularly.
To be honest, switching to IXINITY was the best decision I ever made. I don’t feel like someone with hemophilia; I forget I even have it.”

See more of James’ journey at IXINITY.com.

James’ experience with IXINITY may not be typical. Speak with your doctor to see if IXINITY is the right treatment for you.

The content of this post is provided and sponsored by Aptevo Therapeutics.


What is IXINITY®? 

IXINITY [coagulation factor IX (recombinant)] is a medicine used to replace clotting factor (factor IX) that is missing in adults and children at least 12 years of age with hemophilia B. Hemophilia B is also called congenital factor IX deficiency or Christmas disease. Hemophilia B is an inherited bleeding disorder that prevents clotting. Your healthcare provider may give you IXINITY to control and prevent bleeding episodes or when you have surgery.

IXINITY is not indicated for induction of immune tolerance in patients with hemophilia B.


• You should not use IXINITY if you are allergic to hamsters or any ingredients in IXINITY.
• You should tell your healthcare provider if you have or have had medical problems, take any medicines, including prescription and non-prescription medicines, such as over-the-counter medicines, supplements, or herbal remedies, have any allergies, including allergies to hamsters, are nursing, are pregnant or planning to become pregnant, or have been told that you have inhibitors to factor IX.
• You can experience an allergic reaction to IXINITY. Contact your healthcare provider or get emergency treatment right away if you develop a rash or hives, itching, tightness of the throat, chest pain, or tightness, difficulty breathing, lightheadedness, dizziness, nausea, or fainting.
• Your body may form inhibitors to IXINITY. An inhibitor is part of the body’s defense system. If you develop inhibitors, it may prevent IXINITY from working properly. Consult with your healthcare provider to make sure you are carefully monitored with blood tests for development of inhibitors to IXINITY.
• If you have risk factors for developing blood clots, the use of IXINITY may increase the risk of abnormal blood clots.
• Call your healthcare provider right away about any side effects that bother you or do not go away, or if your bleeding does not stop after taking IXINITY.
• The most common side effect that was reported with IXINITY during clinical trials was headache.
• These are not all the side effects possible with IXINITY. You can ask your healthcare provider for information that is written for healthcare professionals.

For more information about IXINITY, please see full Prescribing Information, including Important Patient Information.

You are encouraged to report side effects of prescription drugs to the Food and Drug Administration. Visit www.fda.gov/medwatch, or call 1-800-FDA-1088.

Aptevo BioTherapeutics LLC, Berwyn, PA 19312

IXINITY [coagulation factor IX (recombinant)] and any and all Aptevo BioTherapeutics LLC brand, product, service and feature names, logos, and slogans are trademarks or registered trademarks of Aptevo BioTherapeutics LLC in the United States and/or other countries.

© 2016 Aptevo Biotherapeutics. All rights reserved. CM-FIX-0093

AIDS: Lest We Forget

“Get out!”

The threat of HIV to those with hemophilia was made vividly clear in September 1987. On August 21, 1987, two weeks before my son with hemophilia was born, the Ray brothers had been fire-bombed from their trailer park home in Arcadia, Florida–a warning to the family to leave. It made headlines nationwide and was considered a landmark act in the history of HIV in the US. The story was of shocking interest to everyone, even those of us who didn’t know hemophilia was about to enter our lives.

I still have my copy of People magazine, which had a story on it. Two weeks later, my son was diagnosed and a chill went through me. He was lucky to have just missed the window for contracting HIV through contaminated blood products. But there was national hysteria, misunderstanding about HIV transmission, and paranoia.
There are now fantastic drugs available now that can treat HIV and prolong the lives of those who have it. So much public education has been done to alleviate ignorance and the spread of the virus. From 2005 to 2014, the annual number of new HIV diagnoses declined 19%. And December 1 is World AIDS Day, to remember those who died as a result of this insidious virus. The US hemophilia community alone lost an estimated 10,000 with hemophilia, and this doesn’t include the spouses who were infected. Ten thousand people made up half of our community at the time. 

World AIDS Day remembers those who died, and a ceremony was held at the National AIDS Memorial Grove in San Francisco. Both HFA and NHF were honored to have been invited to participate.

World AIDS Day also serves to remind us that the work is not yet done. I was reading Time magazine on a plane ride yesterday, and was shocked at the statistics I read. 

  • In 2015, 39,513 people were diagnosed with HIV infection in the United States. 
  • More than 1.2 million people in the US are living with HIV, and 1 in 8 of them don’t know it.
  • Gay and bisexual men accounted for 82% (26,375) of HIV diagnoses among males and 67% of all diagnoses.
  • Black/African American gay and bisexual men accounted for the largest number of HIV diagnoses (10,315), followed by white gay and bisexual men (7,570).
  • Heterosexual contact accounted for 24% (9,339) of HIV diagnoses
  • Six percent (2,392) of HIV diagnoses in the United States were attributed to injection drug use (IDU).
  • Louisiana has the second highest new-infection rate: due to poverty, large incarcerated population, stigma, abstinence-only sex ed (CDC data, Time magazine, Nov 28-Dec 5, 2016)
  • Miami: cuts in health spending contributed to a 23% rise in those with HIV since 2004, the fastest-growing rate of infection in US. (CDC data, Time magazine, Nov 28-Dec 5, 2016)

World AIDS Day is an important day for two reasons: to remember the loved ones we lost, and to remind a sometimes still ignorant or risk-taking public that HIV still lives among us, is transmitted through unprotected sex or shared needles with someone who has it (and you cannot tell by looking who has it), and that there is no cure. The hemophilia community warriors have from day 1 led the charge for a safer blood supply, safer blood products, and greater information about HIV/AIDS. 
Read: And the Band Played On by Randy Shilts, Dying in Vein by Kathy MacKay
Note: The spread of HIV in the US was originally blamed on a gay French Canadian flight attendant, Gaetan Dugas, but new analysis of stored blood samples have exonerated him of this. And the Band Played On opens with Dugas’s story and alleged link as Patient Zero.

America’s First Family with Hemophilia

Each Thanksgiving season, I think about the first settlers of Massachusetts, about the rich pioneering history of this state. It was even richer than I thought when I learned that the first Americans with hemophilia lived about 15 minutes from my home! America’s first family with hemophilia, the Appletons, lived in harsh conditions in the 1600s. It’s well worth knowing who they were and what legacy they left. This article is from a 2002 issue of PEN; read it and give Thanks! 

New England, 1639. Imagine that you are standing on the deck of the sailing ship Jonathan. You have just glimpsed the shore of your new home, the Massachusetts Bay Colony. Imagine the brilliant New England foliage, the bright chilly wind. Imagine your dream of farming your newly acquired land. Imagine the adventure. Now, imagine that you are the first European with hemophilia to step on the North American shore.

John Oliver (1613–1642) traveled from Bristol, England with his family to settle under the leadership of the Massachusetts Bay Colony. He lived for only three years after he reached North America, fathering one child, Mary, and dying young as a consequence of his hemophilia. Not until after 1800 did the medical community begin using the term hemophilia to describe his disorder. John’s daughter, Mary Oliver (1640–1698), was likely the first hemophilia carrier of European descent born in the colonies. With her husband, Major Samuel Appleton, Jr. (1625–1696), Mary had three daughters and five sons. One of these sons, Oliver Appleton (1677–1759), was the first American colonist born with hemophilia.

Early Ipswich Roots
Mary and Major Appleton lived in a settlement known to native Americans as Agawam, but re-christened by the English
in 1633 as the town of Ipswich. What would life in Ipswich have offered their son, Oliver Appleton? Thirty miles north of Boston on the Atlantic shore, Ipswich was owned by the Massachusetts Bay Colony; it was purchased earlier in the century from Native Americans for 20 British pounds. By the mid-1600s, Ipswich ranked second only to Boston in population and wealth. The Appletons were a wealthy colonial family. Major Samuel Appleton, Jr., Oliver’s father, was the son of Samuel Appleton Sr., one of the “landed gentry,” and a good friend of John Winthrop, the first governor of the Massachusetts Bay Colony. Appleton’s fertile 460 acres of farmland had been granted to him by the Colony in 1638, and left to his son, Major Appleton, around 1670.

Major Appleton, who served as a judge at the infamous Salem Witch Trials in 1692, died in 1696. He left his now nearly 600 acres, split into four parcels, to his four sons: Oliver, Isaac, Samuel and John. Oliver’s 100-plus acre inheritance included his father’s sawmill, ox pasture, and farmland bordering his brothers’ parcels.

In 1701, Oliver married Sarah Perkins. Well-to-do millers, farmers and traders, Oliver and Sarah possessed numerous household and farm goods. They were involved in local politics, church affairs and business. Together they raised fourteen children; several sons and their descendants would become fine cabinetmakers. At the turn of the eighteenth century, Oliver and his three brothers were working their adjoining farms in a loosely communal style. Each brother might grow a crop that the other brothers could use. Yet each brother farmed separately, produced his own goods for trade (like basket hoops), and kept his own business ledger. The brothers owned cattle, sheep, turkeys and hogs, and traded goods with family and friends in Ipswich.

A Dangerous Occupation?
On their “new” land (already cleared and cultivated by Native Americans), the Appletons cut and milled timber, raised livestock and worked the farm. Today, farming is still one of the most dangerous occupations. In the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, its hazards were surely compounded by Oliver’s hemophilia, and the harsh New England winters. Yet Oliver lived to be 82—a considerable age in any century.

Late in life, Oliver was confined to his bed and developed bedsores on his hips. At age 82, his cause of death is recorded as bleeding from his bedsores and his urethra. Oliver appears to have been a generous and fair man, dividing his estate equitably among his children and his wife Sarah.

Making Medical History
Oliver and Sarah had six daughters and eight sons. Two of the daughters, Sarah and Hannah, had sons with hemophilia.
Interestingly, Hannah’s sons, Oliver and Thomas Swaim, were doctors. What would they have thought of their family’s disorder?

Without letters or other documents, we can only guess. Yet it was the Swaim branch of the Appleton family that attracted the attention of the medical community. Based on his personal connection with the Swaim family, Dr. John Hay, a Massachusetts physician, published an article on the Appletons in a New England medical journal in 1813. Following this publication, the Appleton family history appeared in numerous medical journals, at least as late as 1962. By then, the family had been traced through 350 years and 11 generations: 25 males with hemophilia, and 27 carrier females. In 1961 a blood sample, drawn from the last known living carrier in the family tree, revealed factor VIII deficiency, or hemophilia A.

Are the Appletons America’s “First Family” with hemophilia? Perhaps, in the sense that our knowledge of hemophilia has been enriched by the study of this large and long-lived colonial family. Thanks to our American Revolution, we have no “royal family” with hemophilia. Yet we can still honor and remember the Appleton family. This Thanksgiving, we can recall the challenges faced by earlier generations with hemophilia—people who contributed to our heritage as Americans, and as a hemophilia community. To understand ourselves, and create our vision for the future, we must always remember the past.

You can visit Appleton Farms in Ipswich, Massachusetts. 

From the November 2002 Issue Parent Empowerment Newsletter
“THE APPLETONS: America’s ‘First Family’ With Hemophilia”
by Richard J. Atwood and Sara P. Evangelos
© 2002 LA Kelley Communications, Inc.

Ice Ice Baby: Hockey and Hemophilia

Janet Reimund (CSL), David Quinn, Laurie Kelley

We’ve all been told not to let our kids with hemophilia play hockey. One kid had no choice—he grew up in Rhode Island surrounded by sports lovers, and gravitated toward hockey. He excelled at it. So much so that he tried out for the US Olympics team in 1988.

Meet David Quinn, now head coach of one of the country’s best college hockey teams, the Boston University Terriers.
How can all this be? A guy with hemophilia, playing hockey?
David shared his remarkable story Saturday evening at Boston University, at a “Common Factors” event hosted by CSL Behring. In the audience were families with hemophilia B, some of whom came from as far away as New York to see David, and to attend a hockey match after the presentation.
Key to note is that David went undiagnosed most of his life, until he tried out for the Olympics. He knew he got bruised bigger and harder than his teammates; his ankles and elbows would ache. But he somehow avoided any broken bones and major contusions. That in itself is miraculous, given the brutal nature of the sport.
During the tryouts for the 1988 Olympics, he developed compartment syndrome, which happens when blood seeps into the fascia surrounding muscle tissue and is essentially trapped. This can result in nerve damage and even amputation. But David had excellent care, and had to wait six weeks to recover from surgery. When he healed, he was back on the ice. His doctor made him get a blood test, where they discovered he had mild hemophilia B.
Even knowing all this, he eventually was drafted professionally, in 1992 by the New York Rangers, and in 1992-3 with the Cleveland Lumberjacks. He never made it to the nationals, as he admits he had missed too much practice and training. Instead, he turned to coaching and never looked back.
David easily engaged with the audience, was witty and warm, and his message was: find your passion, take your factor, live your life.
He has a major position now as head coach, and so with a smile and wave, he had to dash out to coach that night’s game. The families stayed a bit longer to hear Gina Perez, mother of two boys with hemophilia B, and final words from Janet Reimund of CSL Behring.
Gina Perez

It  was a great evening of learning and motivation, and socialization. I  got to see so many friends that I rarely get to see anymore as our hemophilia meetings become more numerous and frequent. In particular Jessica Graham and Wayne Cook—hey guys! And I had actually met David 20 years ago, when I wrote an article about him for one of my children’s magazines. I can actually say I knew him way back when.
Thanks to CSL Behring for hosting this, and having it in my backyard practically.  
My apologies to David but I’m not into hockey (I kind of like boxing, actually) so I skipped the game but kept the memories. Wonderful evening!

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