
The Last Hemophilia Princess

The English royals have always interested Americans, even though we gave them the boot back in 1776. “The Crown” is a popular Netflix show, and the princesses, from Diana to Kate and now Meghan, seem to fascinate us. The hemophilia community is even more fascinated, as the most famous carrier in the world must be Queen Victoria, who up until recently was the longest reigning monarch in English history. Only one of her nine children, Leopold, had hemophilia, and she passed along the gene to two daughters, who later had children with the hemophilia gene, including the famous Alexei Romanov, son of Nicholas II, the last tsar of Russia. The Romanovs and Alexei’s story makes for astounding history, and indeed, may have changed the course of world history (order Alexis: The Prince Who Had Hemophilia to learn more).

But who was the last princess? Our researcher nonpareil, Richard Atwood, shares a review about a book on Beatrice, based on the book by Matthew Dennison, The Last Princess: The Devoted Life of Queen Victoria’s Youngest Daughter (2007). 

Over 18 years of marriage, Queen Victoria had four sons and four daughters, aged four to 17. She delivered her last child, Beatrice Mary Victoria Feodore, on April 14, 1857. For the second time, Dr. John Snow administered chloroform as an anesthesia for the birth. Beatrice was a bright and precocious child. While she began lacking playmates as her older siblings were marrying or leaving the household, Beatrice had her dogs, cats, birds, and ponies as company. Her father, the Prince Consort, died in 1861 when she was only four. Her mother would grieve as a widow for the next 40 years. By default, Beatrice became her mother’s comforter, companion, and caretaker.

Beatrice attended her first grown-up meal in 1863, and regularly sat at the Queen’s dinners beginning at 15. Her older brother, Leopold, was a part-time invalid by 13, often confined to bed, due to his hemophilia. Beatrice herself developed acute rheumatism and lameness by her early twenties. She visited European spas to be treated with massage and healing water, plus, later in life, took trips to the warmer Mediterranean. She also had neuritis in her hand, right arm, knee, and foot. Her sister, Princess Alice, who was in poor health due to rheumatism, neuralgia, tiredness, and headache, died of diphtheria in 1878 when only 35. John Brown, the Queen’s companion, died in 1883 after 19 years of service. Leopold died in 1884.

Queen Victoria ended any potential romance between Beatrice and Louis of Battenberg, but allowed the marriage of Beatrice to Henry of Battenberg, called Liko, in 1885, provided that Henry give up his independence, military career, German nationality, plus live with Beatrice and the Queen. Beatrice replaced her sisters, and Liko replaced Leopold, to serve Queen Victoria. Beatrice was the shyest of the 9 siblings, and also the most devoted of the daughters. She had a retiring and unassertive manner, was uncomplaining, and had a habit of avoiding eye contact. Beatrice was radiantly happy with Liko, and, following a miscarriage in 1885, had three sons and a daughter: Alexander, Victoria Eugenie (“Ena”), Leopold, and Maurice. Leopold (1889-1922) had hemophilia. The birth of Ena, a hemophilia carrier, was assisted by forceps and occurred at Balmoral, the first royal birth in Scotland in 300 years.

In 1896, Liko volunteered for the Ashanti Expedition in West Africa and died of malaria. Queen Victoria died in 1901. Beatrice, as literary executor, would edit and rewrite the 111 volumes of Queen Victoria’s journal over the next 30 years. Ena, thought not fluent in Spanish, married Alfonso XIII of Spain in 1906, and converted to Catholicism. Her firstborn and male heir, Alfonso, had hemophilia. Three of Beatrice’ssons served in the military during the Great War. Maurice died in 1914 at Ypres. Leopold died in 1922 following an emergency operation complicated by his hemophilia. Beatrice suffered from rheumatism and bronchitis, unable to walk and breathe. She died an invalid and a widow of 48 years in 1944, the last princess, at 87 years.

Hemophilia is no longer in the English royal family, which is why you don’t hear about it anymore as the “royal disease.” The heirs of Beatrice and Alice who carried or had hemophilia are all gone.   


Hemophilia: The B Sci-Fi Movie

I love sci-fi as a movie genre, and am a big fan of the 1950s classics (War of the Worlds, The Amazing Colossal Man, The Day the Earth Stood Still), and even the silly B-movies (Plan 9 From Outer Space), right up to 2001: A Space OdysseyAlien (all time greatest) and hey, even Prometheus. I never knew hemophilia was ever mentioned in sci-fi but it has been!

Our esteemed writer Richard Atwood is a sleuth at finding obscure references to hemophilia. And he found one in an old sci-fi film–with some prominent cast members.

The film is the 1966 Planet of Blood (a.k.a. Queen of Blood) and is about a space-vampire who is a queen on her planet. But her spaceship is in trouble; so Dr. Farrady (starring Basil Rathbone) at the International Institute of Space Technology sends two rescue teams of American astronauts (played by Dennis Hopper, Judi Meredith, and John Saxon) travel from the Moon to Mars in 1990 to search for unidentified aliens in distress.

The astronauts locate only one mute, green-skinned, female alien (Florence Marly) in a red-bodysuit, with platinum blood hair, picked up from the Martian satellite Phobos. The alien must live on human plasma, which leads to the deaths of two astronauts who were hypnotized first, while the crew return to Earth. She has a secret plot to overrun the Earth by laying as many eggs as possible on the rescue ship that recovers her from her crashed interstellar spaceship.

Disdaining human food, however, the alien queen needs human blood to survive. She hypnotizes male crew members, one by one, and sucks them dry. Ordered not to kill her, the surviving astronauts fear for their lives from the killer in their midst. Spoiler alert!! They accidentally end her life by cutting her skin, and she bleeds to death. Her blood is green.

The crew believe that she is what humans would have become if we had evolved on another planet–hemophiliacs.  This female vampire is labeled a hemophiliac, by the crew, and some sort of royalty. She’s dead, but like a queen bee, she leaves behind her red eggs, with “consequences left to the imagination,” Richard writes.  

Interesting take on interstellar aliens, vampires, and hemophilia!  It’s now a cult movie, and you can order it on Amazon.   

Why You’re Afraid to Switch Products

Many consider the new year to be a great time to make life changes. With new factor products in the marketplace we thought this article on the pros and cons of switching products would be helpful to our readers. Enjoy! 

by Cazandra Campos-MacDonald
originally published in PEN, November 2018 

 A few myths about hemophilia linger in the community: “Only men can have hemophilia.” “A person with hemophilia will bleed faster than someone without hemophilia.” “People with hemophilia can’t play sports.” “You will outgrow hemophilia.” Belief in these myths can spread fear, and can lead to harmful biases or behaviors: for example, prohibiting a child from playing sports, or not believing women who claim to have bleeding issues.

One fear that is still felt by many people with hemophilia, particularly those who’ve had an inhibitor, is the development or recurrence of an inhibitor as a result of switching factor products. Though there is some evidence to support this,1 we also know that the risk of developing an inhibitor as a result of switching products is very small—too small to accurately measure. Yet many parents give this risk more weight than it deserves. Fear clouds their judgment when weighing the benefits of finding a better product and treatment regimen with the risk of contracting an inhibitor.

The fear of switching products became ingrained in my mind when my oldest son, Julian, was diagnosed in 1996 with a low-titer inhibitor at age one. I learned to infuse Julian with a first-generation factor VIII product (from which he developed the inhibitor), and after two and a half years of daily infusions, his inhibitor tolerized. My husband and I kept Julian on his treatment regimen while also gathering information about new factor products entering the marketplace. First-generation recombinant factor products reconstituted into 10 cc volumes, while some second-generation products reconstituted into only 2.5 cc. Yet our fear of triggering an inhibitor by switching products outweighed the promise of quicker infusions.

My second son, Caeleb, developed a high-titer inhibitor at age 11 months. He eventually began immune tolerance therapy (ITT) on a recombinant factor product, and after a couple of years of daily infusions, we moved him to a plasma-derived factor, hoping to lower his inhibitor level. Given the many complications Caeleb endured over the years, I feared that switching to a different factor product would cause his titer to spike. And daily infusions meant accessing his port every morning and pushing 30 cc of product from four vials of factor concentrate. This was not conducive to self-infusing, although he stopped experiencing episodic bleeds. Not having bleeds regularly was a great trade-off.

Whenever Caeleb visited the hemophilia treatment center (HTC) to have labs drawn, I brought along an extra-large plastic bag of his factor and supplies. Recently, Caeleb’s hematologist, Dr. Shirley Abraham, suggested, “I think it’s time to switch Caeleb to Hemlibra.”2 I was stunned. Another switch? I honestly couldn’t understand why Caeleb needed to switch. Even though Hemlibra® is not a factor product, I realized that the fear of switching was alive and well in my mind. Caeleb still had an inhibitor, and not knowing how a new treatment would affect him was nerve-wracking. Dr. Abraham pointed to the extra-large bag and said, “That is why it’s time to switch.” Over the years, I had grown accustomed to carrying all those supplies for an infusion, and to accessing his port daily. With Hemlibra, a month of product and supplies fit into a small container, and Caeleb receives one subcutaneous injection weekly into his thigh—no more infusions into his port. In that moment, speaking to Dr. Abraham, I understood. Caeleb’s quality of life could be even better if I trusted medical advice and didn’t give in to old fears.

Products are chosen—and kept—for many reasons. For example, in families where more than one person has hemophilia, the choice may be based on another family member’s experience. And if a treatment regimen or product is working well, change may not be needed. But what if you can do better? A common response to changing products came from one mother on social media. “Same manufacturer for 18 years because [the product] works. No reason to change.” Claudia Mackaron, a retired HTC nurse coordinator in Albuquerque, New Mexico, says, “Even though a new product could be more beneficial, the old saying ‘if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it’ creeps in. It’s very frustrating as a clinician to fight with patients in switching, knowing [a new product] could help them.” Fear of the unknown may stop a patient from changing products even if the data shows that a specific product could be a better fit. “Psychologically, the fear of the unknown, and a potentially harmful and difficult unknown, can shape bias tremendously,” says Dr. Mike Wang, associate professor of pediatrics at University of Colorado’s School of Medicine. Inhibitors are frightening, and it’s possible someone could develop an inhibitor after switching products. The fear lives on, even with no clinical evidence that the inhibitor resulted from a new product.

Why do some people embrace change without fear? Debbie Porter has an adult son with hemophilia and inhibitors who always “thought the idea of staying with the same product forever was counterproductive to advancing new and better treatments.” Debbie wanted more for her son Matt, who suffered for years from inhibitor complications. Matt infused recombinant products, plasma-derived products, and bypassing agents over the years, so switching wasn’t a fear. The day Hemlibra became available, Debbie immediately requested it for Matt. He has been bleed-free for seven months now, and his veins get the rest they desperately need. And of course, because Hemlibra isn’t factor, it can’t cause an inhibitor to factor VIII. Yet some people may be reluctant to switch, because they experience few complications with their inhibitors and their current treatment works. But for people like Matt and Caeleb, the severity of complications pushes them to anxiously wait for new products that promise better results.

 We are learning more about why inhibitors form, and who is most likely to develop one. Physicians can identify patients who are more susceptible to inhibitor development based on genetics, environmental factors, race, and family history. But people seemingly not at high risk may still develop an inhibitor, and this has continued to feed fears about treatments and products. One HTC provider admitted that for years, he and his colleagues encouraged patients without inhibitors not to switch factor brands because they might get an inhibitor. While there is a risk of inhibitor development when switching products, “current evidence does not suggest that switching products significantly influences inhibitor development,” declared a finding in the Eleventh Zürich Haemophilia Forum.3 Yet fears persist, even in the face of scientific evidence.

Letting go of old beliefs isn’t easy. Once a myth has taken root in your belief system, it takes a lot of effort to remove it. We remain captive to treatments, protocols, and products that may not be the most effective. Staying where we are now—based on assumptions not rooted in the facts—prevents us from embracing the many possibilities that exist today.

Have the courage to overcome fear and seek out what’s in the best interest of your loved ones. Gather the facts, and communicate your treatment needs and concerns to your physician. Trying a different regimen or product may change your life.


  1. F. R. Rosendaal, et al., “A Sudden Increase in Factor VIII Inhibitor Development in Multitransfused
Hemophilia A Patients in the Netherlands: Dutch Hemophilia Study Group,” Blood 81, no. 8 (1993): 2180–86, available at www.bloodjournal.org. Thierry Calvez, et al., “Recombinant Factor VIII Products and Inhibitor Development in Previously Untreated Boys with Severe Hemophilia A,” Blood 124, no. 23 (2014): 3398-3408, available at www.bloodjournal.org.
  1. For more on Hemlibra, see Paul Clement, “ACE910: The First Disruptor,” PEN, February 2018, 4.
  2. Elena Santagostino, et. al., “Switching Treatments in Haemophilia: Is There a Risk of Inhibitor Development?” European Journal of Haematology 94 (2014): 284–89.

Hemophilia and Astrology

What does hemophilia have to do with the stars… as in astrology? Are people with hemophilia born under the Virgo sign more organized and liable to use the sterile technique? Are Aries more apt to be our advocates? Are Leos the performers and speakers at our conventions? Are those apt to be more scientifically-oriented born under Scorpio?

Our contributing writer Richard Atwood found a reference to hemophilia and astrology. A medical dictionary for astrology, to be precise.  He writes, “According to the author, this medical astrology dictionary is “geared to the layperson who has limited knowledge of medicine.”  The dictionary uses “the most commonly agreed-upon medical astrology definitions.” The author also acknowledges that there is a lack of agreement among astrologers “as to what rules what in the body.” 

Hemophilia is defined as “malefics in second-eighth axis, Mars Saturn stress aspect, Jupiter afflictions, afflictions to Sun, Moon or Ascendant.” 

Definitions are also provided for possibly related terms, such as bleeding, blood, blood clots, blood disease, inherited blood disease, blood loss, blood plasma, blood serum, blood transfusion, arterial blood, venous blood, cerebral hemorrhage, coagulate, fibrin, hemorrhaging, hereditary disease, joint inflammation, limping, nose bleeds, plasma, plasma balance, red blood cells, white blood cells, styptic, and wounds.

In the section on Uranian Astrology, the definition for blood disorders is “Neptune = Sun/Hades; Sun + Hades – Mars = Neptune.”  A bit hard core for my tastes!

Richard notes that the dictionary has 89 pages for the medical astrology definitions, plus 5 pages for Uranian Astrology definitions. The book includes a 3-page bibliography.  The only bleeding disorder to be listed is hemophilia; all other bleeding disorders are omitted. As for the planets, Mars rules blood ailments, Jupiter rules arterial blood circulation, Saturn rules chronic disease, andVenus rules venous circulation. The author, who has the highest certification of the National Council of Geocosmic Research with a CA NCGR Level IV, specializes in medical astrology and nutrition in New York City.

Well, I am a true-blue Scorpio, and Mars rules my sign, so that works for me. How do your zodiac sign characteristics fit your bleeding disorder? 


Diane L. Cramer, 2003, Dictionary of Medical Astrology: A Compilation of Astrological Terms (Physical, Emotional and Mental) and Disease Significators Used in Traditional Astrology. Tempe, AZ: American Federation of Astrologers. 98 pages.



Bombardier Blood: Incredible Journey with a Cast of Characters

Coincidences are God’s way of staying anonymous. Albert Einstein 

Yesterday I was in Denver, Colorado, to attend the hometown premiere of Bombardier Blood, the new documentary that chronicles the life and achievement of Chris Bombardier, a person with hemophilia B this year who became the first person with hemophilia to complete the Seven Summits. The movie was debuted at NHF’s annual meeting in Orlando, in October, to an audience of over 500.  Yesterday, the Colorado Hemophilia Society rented an IMAX theater, and invited the Colorado bleeding disorder community to attend.

Chris and Jess Bombardier with Laurie Kelley and Amy Board Photo: Rob Bradford

What a proud day for Colorado! Chris and his wife Jess attended, flying in as I did from Boston, which recently became their new home. Chris’s whole family came: parents Alan and Cathy, Aunt Bev and Uncle Jay Labe and cousin Nicole, and of course, “Crazy” Uncle Dave. And while Chris’s whole family is incredibly warm, down-to-earth and personable, I really wanted to meet this character Uncle Dave! When you see the movie—and you will someday—you will know what I mean!

Chris’s poster is right next to Bumblebee’s and Aquaman’s!

We congratulated the astounding film-making and editing team of Rob Bradford and Steven Sander, who were both present, and thanked expedition and film sponsor Octapharma. The theater filled with community members—moms, dads, small children, and many of Chris’s peers with hemophilia—holding popcorn, soda and high expectations. We settled into our seats before the mammoth screen, hushed our voices, silenced our cell phones, and the theater darkened. The darkness faded into a scene of Everest, prayer flags, snow and ice, and Chris, trying to skewer a vein in the icy air. The film continued from this moment at Everest, into a 90-minute tale of what it took to get him there. It is a fascinating story of a boy with hemophilia who dreamed of being a baseball player, who was thwarted in his dreams, who suffered depression, anger, who was disconnected from his own local community… until key events unfolded in sequence, “like divine intervention,” one audience member confided. The events included the right people appearing in his life at the right time, until his destiny seemed all but spelled out. This young man would conquer Everest.

Chris’s proud parents, Cathy and Alan

I took part in Chris’s journey at some point, and have seen this movie three times now. It never fails to inspire. You want to jump out of your seat and get moving, to find your own dream, and then make it happen. If Chris could climb the Seven Summits (a feat only about 450 humans ever in history have done!), and did it with hemophilia, then what can the rest of us accomplish? We are only limited, it seems, by our own imagination, and our belief in ourselves.

The audience loves it! Photo: Rob Bradford

But some new footage was added to this version of the film—the role played by the vivacious and energetic Amy Board, executive director of the Colorado Hemophilia Society. Amy was the person who drew Chris out from the crowd. She encouraged him to come to hemophilia camp, where Chris met someone else with hemophilia for the first time. He saw how the children were active, happy, connected. And Chris became connected. He volunteered at camp, became a mentor to the children. Due to Amy, Chris became part of the hemophilia community. It was the first major step on the long hike to better mental health, a career, a new vision… and ultimately Everest.

Laurie Kelley meets Crazy Uncle Dave!

Chris did not just scale the Seven Summits or make a movie about himself; he has promoted hemophilia worldwide with his life-risking achievement, and he has made a call for action for others, to help those in developing countries through Save One Life. Without Amy, without camp, he might not have joined the community. Without working at the Indiana HTC as a lab tech, he might never have gone to Africa, where his eyes were opened to the suffering of his blood brothers overseas. Without Uncle Dave? Who knows. Bombardier Blood boasts a cast of supporting characters who embody this mystical truth: We never know what ripples we create when we reach out, take a risk, and care about another human being.

Chris did it. He made history. First person with hemophilia to scale Everest, and to bag the Seven Summits. And I suspect that Chris’s story is far from over, but is really just beginning.

Chris with photographer Rob Bradford
Laurie with Octapharma reps Paul Wilk and Elizabeth Pulley
Laurie Kelley with photographer Rob Bradford and film editor Steven Sander







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