April 16, 2023

We’re Giving Away to Celebrate the Day!

World Hemophilia Day, that is, in rhyming fashion! To celebrate, we are giving away copies of the first children’s storybook on hemophilia, Must You Always be a Boy? I created it over 30 years ago for my child with hemophilia when I realized there were no books for our children. I guess now it’s a “classic”!

Told in rhyming fashion, Dr. Seuss-style, the book contains four humorous and endearing stories for children to help them cope with hemophilia. The first is about over-reactive adults (namely, a well-meaning police officer!). The second, about a very active little boy! The third, about sibling rivalry; and the fourth—and my favorite—about a little monster who is bullied, but comes to realize he is stronger than he thinks.

The books are all based on real people (except for the monsters!).

The book has always been free, but for the first 50 people who email me, there is free shipping in April.

So email me today! And celebrate the day! (It rhymes!). laurie@kelleycom.com.

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