September 15, 2006

Welcome to HemaBlog!

Laurie Kelley

Welcome to LA Kelley Communications, and to our first blog. Many of you may already receive our books, newsletters, and emails. This blog will be a more timely and personal way to share what is happening in the bleeding disorders community. I’ll be like a reporter with my postings: I’ll share with you what I observe on my visits to chapter meetings, symposia I’ve attended, feedback I have heard. Many of you ask about my humanitarian missions to the developing world–this will be the place where I will share my impressions, agendas and photos.

We’ve had a very busy summer, with meetings all across the country. Many times I wished I could have shared immediately with you all what I learned and what I saw. Now I can! We like being “first of a kind” in what we do, and this could be one of the first professional blog sites in the hemophilia community. I will try to update the blog weekly, on Sunday nights. I hope you will visit us regularly and learn more about what is happening in our community from the eyes and ears of someone who cares deeply about our future and about our children.

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